
Showing posts from September, 2015

I caved.... and went to Lush

I have been wanting to buy things from Lush from the beginning but I was a bit overwhelmed!Yet, I would still go and look at all of the amazing things that are in the store. In the past week I gave in and bought a few bath bombs. then I went back and bought a few more!  I bought at first was Ickle Baby Bot, Honey B and Tisty Tosty. I also have featured a picture of Sexy Bomb which was one of the ones I got on the second trip. I started out with the bath bombs because they seem the easy to approach. I really like to take bath but don`t do so often due to it not being my dream tub. I was really amazed by how reasonable the prices are on their bath bombs.  All the ones I picked out were about seven dollars or less each. Each of them have an amazing sent to them. I have used from the first batch all but the Honey B! I can`t wait till I try them all. I also want to try next the Bubble Bars and the Luxury Bath Melts! Now on to my first impressions and reviews!!  Starting wit...

Updated time!

so, after talking to one of my friends, she has convensed me to start again on fliming youtube videos. I have post one , or two by time this post has gone up. This is as of now just a post randomly like I do here! I plan to get a better consistent posting schedule for here at least then possibly the YouTube.  Other than that I have been very busy in the life side of things not so much the hobby  such as my sewing , crafting or even blogging! I got a few new sewing patterns for later projects!! Anyways just thought I have a little update!