I caved.... and went to Lush

I have been wanting to buy things from Lush from the beginning but I was a bit overwhelmed!Yet, I would still go and look at all of the amazing things that are in the store. In the past week I gave in and bought a few bath bombs. then I went back and bought a few more! I bought at first was Ickle Baby Bot, Honey B and Tisty Tosty. I also have featured a picture of Sexy Bomb which was one of the ones I got on the second trip. I started out with the bath bombs because they seem the easy to approach. I really like to take bath but don`t do so often due to it not being my dream tub. I was really amazed by how reasonable the prices are on their bath bombs. All the ones I picked out were about seven dollars or less each. Each of them have an amazing sent to them. I have used from the first batch all but the Honey B! I can`t wait till I try them all. I also want to try next the Bubble Bars and the Luxury Bath Melts! Now on to my first impressions and reviews!! Starting wit...