Plum paper review

I have been looking for a new planner the store bought one I had that was just not doing what I needed. While scrolling my instagram I came across Xsparkage account and she was taking about this new planner she just bought on Etsy. It is a full customization planner. I looked into it and decide to get one. Snice my order had been made Xsparkage has made a you tube video reviewing her planner. The planer is from Plum Paper. I have only had mine for almost two weeks and I love it already. I picked out the family planner and added the home section and extra note pages. After you order it takes 3-4 weeks to be made. You also get to pick the month in which to start your planner. I really didn't pay much attention to the time it take to make it because If I did I would have had it start in February instead of January. With that in mind I have a whole month wasted because I have just received it a week ago. So that is something I will keep in mind for next time. The price I paid was not ...