I wish I could say I thought up this post inspiration by myself but I did not. I got the idea from Essiebutton on YouTube! I thought it was super fun and would give me a way to show off my mugs and tea I am drinking right now!! Pictured are a few of the mugs I have been using also tea pot and cup set I use the most when drinking tea around bed time or chilling in my chair!! Also the two new mugs I got when I stopped at Starbucks today!

This teapot and cup set was given to me by an old coworker years ago and I cherish it so!! I try not to use it but I fling myself using it a lot since the other tea pot I was using fell off my counter. ( that was a sad day!) As I said before I tend to use it when I am having tea before bed or chilling in my chair because I can usually get two cups of tea out of it if I fill the cup to the normal point about half way! I probably should get another tea pot and put it with the rest of my sets!

Moving on is this mustache mug I got from target on clearance!! I always just sucked in on a good deal and this was just cute I had to get !! This one the mugs that tends to stay at my desk! ( I have quite a few mugs so they are pretty much everywhere) I stopped myself from buying tea sets and it last so long then I started collecting mugs, I'm pretty much a mug junkie!

Now for my on the go cup! I have owned one of the plain Starbucks reusable cups that you can buy for a dollar! To which o think is a pretty good deal! I think they are still a dollar... Anyways I paid two dollars for this one cause it was a special edition! I am pretty sure they still have them! I don't tend to get Starbucks in this cup cause it's always a split second decision for me to go to Starbucks! I use it mostly for tea in the morning and if I get tea from Teavana while on my break at work! It's time for tea! These are the four tea's I have been drinking lately! The first three are the norms for me! While the Tazo pumpkin spice was something new for me. I found I don't like it by itself but made with hot cocoa or chai I love it. I was not sure if I was going to like it so I only bought one box now I am sad I didn't get more! The green tea mint and the Earl grey are teas I have all the time. I just buy them from Walmart! I have recently started to try to drink the earl grey in the morning instead of coffee when I get it! I think it is working! ( side note Starbucks earl grey latte is yummy, need to go to Teavana to get some of the early grey they sale!) now for the ginger tea it is one of my favorites to drink especially when I feel a bit under the weather. A good friend of mine gave me some when I was visiting her and was having horrible issues with my allergies. After drinking the ginger tea I felt so much better!( it could have been all in my head) the down side to this tea is that I have only found it at Whole foods but all is not lost because a whole foods open near my house!! I can go refill my stick anytime now!!

Finally the two new mugs I got today!! I went into Starbucks hoping against hope that they would still have some mugs from Christmas still there but alas they didn't! I saw these and thought they were so cute and interesting! I was going to get one but I thought if I fall in love with mug and can't find another ill be sad! ( my self control on mug shopping is at a all time low) my luck they were on sell for 6 dollars each so I got two for the price of one! I am still looking for two of the mugs I have seen on Instagram from Starbucks!! The white one with studs and the plaid one!! I need them in my collection... Ok I want them I don't need another mug! Oh yeah these mugs are from the siren collection! That raps it up!

What do you think of the new format. I think I like the photos and talking about them ,near or right under the photo. May start doing this once a month and include it as a monthly favorite on here! Seeing as I have not really got into the YouTube thing!
<3 momo
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