well this is awkward


I never forgot about this blog but somehow the app was no longer supported by phone. Time has past. like a good two years. I think at this point I may make all my post from now on private and it just become my personal space . Or I could make it a public diary of sorts. instead of YouTube videos just posts of me writing away. Maybe I'll go back to the old days of xanga and myspace where I just mostly posted poems. When I started this journey all those years ago I wanted so bad to be part of the creative community in the way of bloggers. I have tried YouTube and blogging. There are many post that have been started but not finished. there is one I feel I need to post and it will open a can of worms at most. As I don't promote my blogging it is not much of a stretch for me to believe no one reads my things. What was left but to start a podcast. I did so far so good. life came and snuck up on me or my Adhd came and said byeeeeeee. It is time for another year to close and I will do my letter. I realize I enjoy those letters so I will get back to them. Maybe to them for other things and create a whole new outlook for myself. 

with love 



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