Style and a bit of my style
Thinking about fashion and different styles. I am left wondering what is style and what is a trend. A style is not necessary a trend because just because one person likes a style dose not mean it will be come a trend. It leads me to think about what is my style and I don`t have a clue. I like many different fashion trends throughout time. I am a costumer and a girl who loves history so there are so many fashion trends that I am madly in love with. While I would never want to go back in time I would love to own some of the fashions of the times. I like to mix and match then also match things together. My mother would say I am just like punky Brewster in the way I like to mix and match. Also I like to place things together that some people say would never go together. There are many trends you could say that I love. I enjoy the fact that many of the fashion trends I love come back in different shapes and forms. One fashion favorites of the times is the dresses of the Victorian age. I just love how beautiful yet dainty they look. This fashion trends is being brought back to life with not only reactors but Steampunk and Gothic Lolita. My other one is the fashion of the 40`s and 50`s. I love the pin-up girl look. I, myself have dresses up in pin-up style on many occasions. I have pretty much incorporated all the different fashions into some part of my life. Just like many others you have to change your fashion for the outside world when it calls for it. My fashion changes depending on the need and the event. Everyone has their own style and at times they meet up with the worlds fashion trends. I, myself have not really been one for trends but it happens that I end up wearing them a lot because it just happens to be easier to buy the things you like fashion wise when everyone is making them. I am not really sure what category I would fall under fashion wise. I can tell you that there are two trends at the moment that I am interested in add to my wardrobe. They are hipster and Gothic hipster. I am very interested in how this trend has come to be. Also what are some key pieces that would qualify as hipster. Fashion and trends are almost one in the same. While style is something that every person creates. Well all have our own style and at times they match the trends that are going around in the Fashion world. Fashion is what trend that is popular right now and style is what you create while your wearing that fashion. No two people will wear the same outfit the same way. I hope this was an interesting read. Be sure and comment below.
Don`t forget to be yourself by design
<3 Momo
Don`t forget to be yourself by design
<3 Momo
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