Youtube Channel, Coming back into my own

I have deiced after throwing around the idea of making a Youtube channel. I already have one I made years ago and I have two videos posted on there. I made another one when I was all gun ho about becoming a beauty blogger. As I thought about it I came to the thought that there are so many people out there wanting to be beauty bloggers that I would be come lost in the mix. So I got rid of that channel. I almost got rid of this blog but I wanted to keep it and change what it is. Now this blog is Me a random blog that has anything and everything that I feel that I need to write about.  Yes, there will still be make up and fashion on here but it is not the only thing. I am going to make one video and post it and see what becomes of it. I know that I will not become famous over night and I am ok with it. I just want to be happy with what I am doing and not try to fit into something that may really fit how I am and who I want to be. Thanks to watching a few different youtube videos of people who are being themselves I feel that I can do it. It is something I have to want to do for me. Just as I had to come to the decision on this blog that it is something I have to do for my self and no one else. If others like it than that is wonderful if not that it cool too. I am going to be happy with what I do and life my life the only way I can as MYSELF. No one else can live this life for me. I have been this way for awhile and I have lost my way now I am coming back in to my own. It dosen`t matter what others think about me what matters is that I am happy with who I am and what I am doing with my life. The rest is just a bonus. I don`t know if anyone will ever read this post but it is ok . I am happy with this even if I am just  doing this just for me.

Be your self by design and the rest will follow

<3 Momo


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