College life / experinces

Going to school is hard yet I would not change my mind! I love learning even if I complain about the work load. My college experinces so far have been amazing. I have not ever been one who wanted to live in a dorm yet I have mad props for those who do. I know I miss a huge section of experinces but it's not for me. I'm to quirky for that type of life. I have switched my major only once well more than once technically. The end goal was only switch once after I had a life changing event. I realize now that what I first chose would have been fine but I find myself so much more excited to complete the journey to the degree and job choice I am after right now. Stick to what you love too which I did for both choices I made when I first started and to were I am know. Knowing who you are as a person will help you be true to your dream. College is not easy but I'm making my way through it.


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