Good Bye 2014 and thank you

2014 it has been grand! I have done so many things this year that I didn`t think I would do! I made a big step in my cosplaying skills! I did my first commission for someone! So many things have been happening in my life. I feel like this has been a good year for me. I can`t wait to continue to improve and move into bigger and great things in the new year to come! I finally made it to a Comic Con! While I was there I met Tom Felton and he was so nice! He was the first major famous person I have met! Really was a dream come true. I have learned so much about myself this year! I am still always improving. I am getting over a fear that has been affecting my life in so many ways. I am letting go of the things that have been holding be back and becoming the person I want to me. 2014 has been a year of leaps of faith on my part and I am so glad I did them. While some worked out and some of them did not. I am not truly sad I tried but proud of myself that I took the chance. This year has shown me how close I am at reaching my goal in my degree and it is getting closer and closer. I took a big step and deiced the path of my college schooling and when I will get my degree. I know that it will be the best thing for me. Just in the past few months I have been growing in leaps and bounds. I worked a charity Christmas party to which is something I have not done before! I pulled out the costume and it turned out wonderful! While it was not the dream version of Tiana`s lily pad dress form Princess and the Frog it was something that was a step into me helping making a differences in someones life. Doing that party made a difference in my life I can already tell! I have been boosting my confidence this year! I am making a major step to love myself and all of my faults because they make me who I am! I am not perfect and I am ok with that! I have family and friends who love me for who I am and it is time for me to truly see what they see in me! 2014 has been the just the start for me of this strange journey! If I really think about this I have been running this blog off and on for a year. I have yet to make any head way but it is a huge step in my life! Thank you 2014 it  has been amazing! I step forward into this upcoming year with a plan to continue  the steps I have been taking to making my life what I want it to be! I will reach my goals my way and I will move at my pace. This my life and I only have one! I am so blessed to have made it another year and it has been  a party!
Goodbye 2014 and thank you for it all!
<3 Momo


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