Pictures for This blog/ layout

I have made many post and few of them have photos! I tend to take photos for the blog but I never end up posting them due to the fact I don`t like the way they look. I take my photos with my phone and I really  need to work on get more photos up on here. The ones I have are good and are steady improving as I am getting better at blogging. I am no way near some of the people I follow but they had to start at some point and improve. Goals of this blog is to have more pictures added to the post and get a new layout for it. I like what I have so far but I want to change the color up a bit. As I have said before this blog is a work in progress. I have no real experiences in making layouts for blogs and things. hmmmm... Idea I can see if a friend of mine can make me a layout  for here!  I really need to set up a place to take photos of products and other things. Oh I got a selfie stick! I got it in hopes to take more pictures of my outfits. Then I would finally get to adding more outfits post to my blog! well this was short but informative!

<3 Momo


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