YouTube ya or naw

So I have been talking about making videos on YouTube but I have made two videos. They are far and in between. There so much that goes along allowing your self be apart of that arena. I think that having blog is a better thing for me at this time. I am pretty sure it is close to having the public in your life as it is for YouTube. YouTube is a bit more in your face because people are seeing your face while a blog people are reading your words and seeing your photos. My life it busy and I am not truly set on being a part of YouTube. I don`t even post on here in a reliable fashion. I am trying to get a schedule that I can work with to make this blog work. I, myself am not that comfortable taking in front of a camera nor do I really have the set up to really do the videos. I have a webcam that I used in one of my videos but I wish to have my videos made with some natural light. So I will not be doing videos anytime soon. I may try to make videos again. On the other hand I may possibly doing a few from my phone. I meant to do so at Comic Con but I got busy and it didn`t happen.  I really want this to work. I enjoy writing it. So far I am failing to on getting this post up on Tuesday. School and work run my life to which in not something I would want to change. I just didn`t have this post ready and scheduled to go up yesterday. That is my fault. So here is to making good on my post about having a schedule. I am not fully ready for putting myself out on YouTube. I want to be comfortable with myself as I post videos for anyone to see. This a good decision on my part in this time in my life. Stay tune for more

<3 Momo


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