Cosplaying the Good ,The Bad and what an expenisive hobby
Hello readers,
I am trying something new in the format of my post . Let me know what you guys think. Now on to the topic at hand.
Cosplay is the newest mainstream thing. Many of us have been apart of this community for years. Within recent years the "outside" world ( I'm using this word loosely ) have become more aware of what this community is. I,myself have been cosplaying for almost 20 years. It's a hobby and a way to challenge myself to get better at creating all components of an outfit. So in a way it's one of my many passions. For some it is their job to which is pretty amazing. But this is not why I'm making this post. There has been some underline issues that have explode and are tearing the community apart. These issue are ingrained to us just for the fact we are human and some are not comfortable with things that are different . The issues I am taking about are race, body size and many more. Those are the two that I am going to talk about in later post. PSA all of the information coming in this post is from my point of view. You make have other ideas or thoughts about the issue and that is fine. These are just some of the issues I will be addressing.
While there are many wonderful things about cosplaying. The community of people who like things you like and understanding over issue you have with creating a costume that many outside of the community would know. It builds bonds and creates families in a way. I love it the fact no matter how involved you are in the community there is some one you can connect with. While I cosplay I don't make it to very many cons, photo shoots ect. I am always blown away when I do get the chance to me it to one to see my friends and create new ones. Or the fact that I meet new people who saw one of my cosplays. I am by no means popular at all. I am always in shock when people come up to me and say they saw me at an event. We all are on many different levels when it comes to costuming. I have friends who everything has to be right the first go around. I ,myself try to get it as close as perfect with in my ability. My goal is to get better at making costumes and growing in my sewing. I am self taught in this manner.
This is a hobby that is super expensive depending on what yo are doing. I have often wondered if I could create a business to off set the cost of it but I know I do not make enough commissions in order to make that work. But that is another story all together.
Cosplaying is something that is a hobby that I enjoy regardless of the thoughts of others. I cosplay for me and not for others. Just as I do things for the betterment of myself in life not to appease those who judge me for it.
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