Have you seen this app while scrolling down your Instagram app? I have seen it a few times there as well on Pintrest. I had debated a long time before I deiced to spend the money on it. When I first saw this app I was like this could really be useful to me when picking out my outfits for work as well helping make more clothing style post for this blog. So I go on the apple app store and spent the $3.99 for this app. I was very excited to see what I could create with this. I would be able to see my wardrobe on my phone. It could come in handy when shopping . But sadly I was vastly not ready for the massive under taking it would be to get all of my wardrobe and accessorizes include on to the app would be. I started out strong in taking photos of my wardrobe then I got overwhelmed by the number of items I owned to take the photos. After awhile I just stopped adding trying to add items to this app. The app give you instructions on how to take the photos of your items so that you can get the best photo of your item. I tried two different ways to do so. For my shoes I was using the back of my fabric cutting board for it was a neutral color so that my shoes would show up. The for my clothing I put them on my dress form to which I had placed in front of a light color sheet to make my clothing stand out. After finding ways that work for you it is very easy to get the pictures taken and the background cleared out to only show the article of clothing. This app just takes time to get everything in. One day I will completely get my wardrobe on the app. Do I think that this app was worth the money I spent on it ? The answer is maybe for the fact that the idea is there but for me it didn`t work out the way I wanted it to. When I get all of my wardrobe on the app I can see myself really putting it to work. The idea of the whole app was for you to be able to see your entire wardrobe plus be able to create a wish list of clothing items The idea was amazing but I just didn`t have the time to really complete it. If you want to try this app my advice to you is to go for it. just make sure you have the time to take each of the photos. Until next time see you in the next post.

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