overcoming disapointment

Alright, for the moment my blog is taking a serious turn. I am talking about real life issues and how to work through or at least what has been working for me. What do you do when something disappointing you? What is your feeling process? I have been faced with some disappointing things in my life. While for some you wouldn`t say that its a disappointment at all but it is my fault I didn`t try hard enough. To those people while I respect the fact you have your own opinion but you are not me and have no idea what it took to get to that point. I would say the hardest disappointment to over come to over come is when you are disappointed  in yourself. I am on the up hill battle of that one. I was so mad and disappointed in where my life is compared to this hypothetical idea I created in my head when I was younger. Also when I didn`t get into the school I wanted to take the final step in my education.  I blamed myself over each point as I combed over every detail. To me the first step on my recovery from disappointment is understanding what happened and telling myself its ok. Sure, this happens after I have screamed and cried. Possibly throwing a few things and a bit of online shopping. The next step for me is accepting the fact that yes things did not turn out how I wanted them to but it`s ok. I need to move on and not let it stop me. Another thing that is so hard to kick after disappointment has set in. Is that feeling of self doubt.  While I have made leaps and bound over the acceptance thing the self doubt is really kick me in the shins. I just keep going one step at a time. Making sure I know what my dreams and goals are . Listing what I need to do in order to complete them.When something disappoints  you there is many different ways you can go about it. How you handle it can make or break your whole outcome. Some times its really hard to stay positive and keep going. Other times you need to throw a fit about it for a bit then pick yourself off the ground and keep moving. Some things are harder and others. You just have to keep your goals in mind! Even make smaller ones that build up to bigger ones! Write it out, save a date do what makes it easy for you to reach your goal. Always remember you can do it even when it seems like everything has been lost. Find that small bit of good and make it grow!


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