Black Lives Matter and the Black experience

Dear readers,

The year 2020 has been a world wind.  So many things have happend . One thing that has come to the brink and had broken. So many lives of African Americans have been lost. The lives lost has sparked and eignited a fire that has always been burning. POC and allies alike are saying black lives matter. when that is said we are not saying that any other lives are any less than our own. Just that we matter and we will no longer be slient and take it in silence. If you don`t know I am African American. This is a movement that is a everyday thing of my life. I can not talk for every one when it to a life of African Americans. I can only speak to my own life.  I have spoke out but have not been as vocal as I could be. So far many of my friends and loveones have been supportive. Sadly, there have been a few in the life that I had hoped would be supportive of me but it was not to be. My whole life I have been diffrent. As I am in the middle and don`t quite fit in the by the  book definition of what many assume a POC is supposed to act like. 
Flash forward to the year 2022. I started this post in the thick of 2020. So many things were happing and changing. Some for the better and some of the worse. They say 2020 is hindsight yet it was but was not at the same time. I myself started a journey of wanting to take better care of myself and put my goal in to overdrive. I let go of one dream of gaining my Masters degree or put a pin into it. There is not a day that does not go by without me thinking of the things that happened in 2020. The outcry of see us for who we are . see our skin color and what make us different. celebrate with us. I had not realized how much I masked . I wanted to be seen fully and I needed to embrace all of me. so I started that journey. All while being in the longest relationship of my life do date.  Things, did come to a end this year but no love is lost. we both needed different things and its ok. Its more of a growing pain. I think I will start YouTube again and just make little short videos but I'm not sure. my podcast is enough for now. n this post was to be about my life and the black experience. I could sit and write about that but it won't really be enough . just words on a screen.  It is a experience that is different to each person of color and how they view the world. So why write on my little piece . maybe another time I will write.

with love Momo


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