Hello, Again


It has been awhile. I realize I have not posted on here in almost two years. I wrote some during 2020. I never completed some of my posts. I think I will because why not. At the same time I did not for my own safety . Well, I am no longer sure of what I will use this platform for. I may close it and just make it a private blog. Then it will just be me letting my thoughts be out of my head. The pandemic is still going. the world is mostly back to normal yet at the same time it's falling in out chaos. I have made some changes in my life. Like I started a new job. Which has been very interesting to say the least? Still wanting to go back to school but I don't know what for now. Life turns out is not that easy to plan. Well, more its realizing the path you want to take is not always the easiest one. Or the job you have been telling yourself you wanted is a lot more harder to get and you are not even sure you are cut out for it.  I have spent the past few years working to become my authentic self and I thought I was doing a good job. The year 2020 was my year I said I was getting down to work and getting my plans in order. The pandmic changed that a bit. I am working on it just slower than I plan. Now Im questioning so many things in my life and I am wondering who I am. Yet I am not. I know with each page turn in my life new things will come. 


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