This is 2020 Who lives, Who dies, Who tells your story.


Making a note of that is happing in our world. The world is being taken over by the force of COVID-19.  History has its eye on the world right now. I am making a note because maybe one day someone will look back at my post. Hell, I will look back possibly months from now. I have lived through what popular culture thought to be the end of the world twice. This is something that is rocking me to the core. Bit by bit the United States of America is going on lockdown.  There are many other places in the world that have been shut down to where no one can come in or leave the country. To which is very scary. We are all being told to stay home as much as possible. Many states are shutting down and telling their citizens to not leave. It is no longer being encouraged it is being demanded in some places. Schools have been canceled or sent online. Many of us are out of work.  Only one person in my house is still working, my sister. She is out like many others who are out there doing their job as they are needed and don`t have the luxury to close. My job is closed and I am one of the lucky ones right now that I am not losing my pay. I can not say the same for many others. I am doing my best to stay at home unless I have to leave the house.  If I have to leave I try to make the best of it and make one trip and back home a quickly as possible.   There are many steps to do in order to do your best in protecting yourself. Wash your hand for 20-sec min and social distancing is key.  In the meantime, while I am out of work I am working on my own College work and cleaning my space. I am blessed at this moment as I have been stressing out over my last week of class.  I know many people are finding this hard as they are used to tons of human interaction. I am doing well as I interact with my family and keep in touch with my friends by call and text. I have been doing some Facebook lives just to break things up a bit. I will probably spend sometime dong facetime with love ones to see their face. It would be a lie if I said I`m not worried and a bit scared as the numbers rise. I can only do my part and take it a step at a time. Keep myself at home and take steps if I start to feel unwell.  This is the wrong time to have allergies to which I suffer from. We are all on high alert well, I know my family is. The best you can do right now follow what the CDC and your local government are saying. Also, be smart and stay inside.

Stay safe as possible


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